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Timeline of Steve Jobs



<h2>Reed College</h2>

Reed College

In December 1973, Steve Jobs made the unconventional choice to drop out of Reed College after just one semester. However, he continued to audit classes for another 18 months, delving into subjects that interested him, such as calligraphy, which would later influence Apple's emphasis on typography and design aesthetics. This period was marked by a search for deeper meaning and self-discovery, leading Jobs to embark on a transformative journey.

<h2>Apple 1 Computer</h2>

Apple 1 Computer

After coming back from Traveling through India. Steve Jobs starts working on Apple I Computer together with Steve Woz. Steve Wozniak attended the first meeting of the Homebrew Computer Club in Gordon French's garage on March 5, 1975. He was so moved that he began work on what would become the Apple I computer right away.

<h2>Founding Apple Inc.</h2>

Founding Apple Inc.

After creating the Apple I for himself and demonstrating it to the club, Wozniak and Steve Jobs distributed schematics (technical designs) for the computer to interested club members, as well as assisting some of them in building and testing prototypes. Then Steve Jobs proposed that they develop and sell a single etched and silkscreened circuit board just the bare board, no electronic components that customers could use to make computers. Wozniak predicted that laying out the board design would cost $1,000, with production costing a further $20 per board. The start of selling their first computer was set into motion. Later that year on the 1st of April in 1976 Apple Inc. was incorporated by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ron Wayne.

<h2>Apple I went on sale</h2>

Apple I went on sale

The Apple I went on sale in July 1976 for $666.66 because Wozniak "loved repeating numbers" and because the wholesale price of $500 increased by a third. The first units produced were used in high school math classes and donated to Liza Loop's Public Access Computer Center. About 200 were produced and all but 25 were sold within 9 or 10 months.


At Apple's annual shareholder meeting, the launch of the Macintosh in 1984 marked a watershed moment in computing history. Led by Steve Jobs, the Macintosh showcased a revolutionary graphical user interface and mouse input, redefining personal computing. The iconic "1984" commercial aired during the Super Bowl, capturing the world's attention. With its innovative design and intuitive interface, the Macintosh transformed the industry, cementing Apple's reputation as a pioneer in technology. This event not only shaped the trajectory of computing but also laid the foundation for future innovations that continue to impact our digital lives.

Steve leaves Apple

Following his departure from Apple, Steve Jobs founded NeXT, a computer company aimed at revolutionizing higher education and business computing. NeXT sought to develop advanced workstations, emphasizing innovation in hardware and software design. Though NeXT's impact on the consumer market was limited, its technology laid the groundwork for future innovations. Notably, NeXT's operating system formed the basis for Apple's macOS and iOS, showcasing Jobs' enduring influence on the evolution of computing.


In 1986, Steve Jobs acquired Pixar Animation Studios from Lucasfilm, marking a significant pivot in his career. Under Jobs' leadership, Pixar flourished, creating groundbreaking animated films such as "Toy Story," "Finding Nemo," and "Up." The studio revolutionized animation with its cutting-edge computer-generated imagery (CGI) techniques, earning critical acclaim and commercial success. Jobs' vision and business acumen transformed Pixar into an entertainment powerhouse, solidifying his legacy as a visionary leader in both technology and entertainment industries.

<h2>Marriage Laurene Powell Jobs</h2>

Marriage Laurene Powell Jobs

In 1991, Steve Jobs married Laurene Powell, a union that deeply influenced his personal and professional life. Powell, an accomplished businesswoman and philanthropist, provided steadfast support to Jobs through his triumphs and trials. Their partnership fostered a family environment grounded in creativity and compassion. Together, they raised a family and embarked on philanthropic endeavors. Powell's influence on Jobs' life underscored the importance of love, companionship, and shared values in his journey as a visionary entrepreneur and innovator.

Apple buys NeXT $400M

On December 20, 1996, Apple Inc. announced the acquisition of NeXT, a move that heralded Steve Jobs' return to the company he co-founded. The acquisition brought Jobs back to Apple's helm, leading to a significant resurgence in the company's fortunes. NeXT's technology formed the basis for Apple's modern operating systems, propelling the company into a new era of innovation. This pivotal event laid the groundwork for Apple's subsequent success and solidified Jobs' legacy as one of the most influential figures in technology.

<h2>CEO Apple</h2>

CEO Apple

In January 2000, Steve Jobs returned as CEO at Apple Inc., marking a transformative moment for the company. Jobs' comeback injected renewed energy and vision into Apple, leading to a remarkable turnaround. Under his leadership, Apple revitalized its product line with iconic innovations such as the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Jobs' relentless pursuit of excellence and his ability to anticipate and shape consumer trends propelled Apple to unprecedented success, cementing his status as a legendary figure in technology and business.


In October 2001, Apple introduced the first iPod, revolutionizing the way people listen to music. The sleek design, intuitive interface, and large storage capacity made it a cultural phenomenon. Concurrently, Apple launched its retail stores, providing a unique and immersive experience for customers to explore its products. These milestones marked a pivotal moment in Apple's history, setting the stage for its dominance in the digital music industry and its innovative approach to retail.

Stanford University

In 2005, Steve Jobs delivered a memorable commencement address at Stanford University, sharing insights on life, career, and mortality. His profound words inspired millions worldwide. That same year, Jobs unveiled a suite of innovative products, including iWork, the Mac mini, iPod shuffle, and Mac OS X 10.4. These announcements showcased Apple's commitment to innovation and cemented Jobs' reputation as a visionary leader in technology and design.


On June 29, 2007, Apple unveiled the iPhone, a revolutionary device that redefined the smartphone industry. Combining a touchscreen interface, internet connectivity, and multimedia features in a single device, the iPhone set a new standard for mobile technology. Its sleek design and intuitive user experience captivated consumers worldwide, sparking a smartphone revolution. The iPhone's impact transcended communication, influencing industries from photography to gaming. This iconic launch not only transformed Apple into a tech giant but also changed the way people live, work, and connect in the digital age.

Medical leave

On January 14, 2009, Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs, announced a six-month medical leave due to health concerns, stirring speculation about his condition and Apple's future. During this time, Jobs underwent a liver transplant, heightening concerns about his well-being and ability to lead Apple. His absence created uncertainty among investors and the tech community, underscoring the importance of his leadership to the company's success.


On January 27, 2010, Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs, showcased a dazzling array of products, including the groundbreaking iPad, the highly anticipated iPhone 4, the sleek iPod Touch 4G, and the ultra-thin New MacBook Air. Jobs' keynote presentation captivated audiences with its innovation, design excellence, and seamless integration, reaffirming Apple's position as a leader in consumer technology.

<h2>Steve Jobs Resigns</h2>

Steve Jobs Resigns

On August 24, 2011, Steve Jobs announced his resignation as CEO of Apple Inc., a moment that reverberated throughout the tech industry. Jobs' departure marked the end of an era, raising questions about Apple's future direction. Despite his resignation, Jobs remained as chairman of the board and continued to influence the company's vision and strategy. His departure signaled a transition in leadership but left an indelible mark on Apple's legacy of innovation.

<h2>Stay Hungry Stay Foolish</h2>

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

On October 5, 2011, the world mourned the loss of Steve Jobs, visionary co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc. Jobs' passing marked the end of an era, leaving behind a legacy of innovation, creativity, and technological revolution. His relentless pursuit of excellence and passion for design transformed multiple industries, inspiring millions worldwide. Though he may have left us, his impact continues to resonate, shaping the way we live, work, and connect.

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Het onstaan van Timepath

Timepath is ontstaan uit een eenvoudige, maar krachtige missie: het creëren van tijdlijnen revolutioneren door het efficiënt en universeel toegankelijk te maken. Gedreven door het geloof dat iedereen de middelen zou moeten hebben om hun verhalen visueel uit te drukken, is het platform zo ontworpen dat het zowel gebruiksvriendelijk als gratis is.

Founder Timepath

Frido van Driem

Creator of Timepath
Sanne Riepema
Sanne Riepema
Premiumspecialist DPG Media
Timepath heeft onze redactionele content naar een geheel nieuw niveau getild. Door meerdere 'lees ook'-artikelen te bundelen en series van verhalen op een samenhangende wijze te presenteren, biedt Timepath ons de mogelijkheid om chronologische tijdlijnen niet alleen in tekst, maar met rijke media zoals beeld en video mooi weer te geven.
Dennis van Luling
Dennis van Luling
Hoofdredacteur RTL Nieuws
Als hoofdredacteur van RTL Nieuws kan ik met vertrouwen zeggen dat we met Timepath liveblogging in staat zijn om onze lezers realtime updates te bieden naarmate gebeurtenissen zich ontvouwen, waardoor ze geïnformeerd en betrokken blijven zoals nooit tevoren.
Marcel Touring
Journalist Telegraaf
Als journalist waardeer ik de mogelijkheden die Timepath biedt om onze verhalen op een meeslepende manier te vertellen en onze lezers te informeren en te inspireren. Het platform stelt ons in staat om op een effectieve manier interactie aan te gaan met ons publiek en om onze content op een boeiende en toegankelijke manier te presenteren.

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Met Timepath heb je toegang tot vooraf gemaakte sjablonen om je snel op weg te helpen, zelfs als je geen technische vaardigheden hebt. Deze ‘no-code templates’ besparen je tijd en moeite, vooral als je nieuw bent in het maken van tijdlijnen of liveblogs. Haal inspiratie uit de grote reeks voorbeelden en breng jouw verhaal tot leven.

Hoe werkt het

De ultieme tijdlijn en liveblog maker

Bij Timepath begrijpen we het belang van no-code oplossingen als het gaat om contentcreatie. Daarom is ons platform zo ontworpen dat het gebruiksvriendelijk en intuïtief is, waardoor je boeiende tijdlijnen en liveblogs kunt creëren zonder technische expertise nodig te hebben.

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